
The Relationships Related to Motherhood

May 13, 2019

How would you describe your relationship with your mother?

Each person has his or her own unique relationship with his or her own mother. Every mother-son or mother-daughter dynamic is different; this is true even among siblings raised by the same parents. Do you have a good and healthy relationship with your mother? Or does your relationship with your mother have room for much improvement?

Your relationship with your mother is vital because it shapes your future and how you interface with the world as you grow into adulthood. The mother is the heart of the household and she holds a position of authority and great influence over her child/children. Your relationship with your mother can also greatly influence the kind of mother you are or will become in the future.


She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.

Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.

Proverbs 31:27-28


If you are already a mother, find time to reflect on your relationship with your own mother to help you assess your own parenting. Be thankful for your mother’s strengths and learn from her weaknesses. By doing so, you can improve or avoid certain behaviors that are harmful, while you can pick up positive parenting moves that your mother has done in the past.  


Motherhood Beyond the Family

Motherhood is not only limited to women who bear children. You are a mother when you care for and look after other people. You are a mother when you take care of pets and other animals. You are a mother when you take care of your community. You are a mother when you nurture the church and lead lost people to God.

Motherhood is in all of us, no matter what age or state we are in. But it is important for us to also look back and honor our own mothers by telling them a heartfelt “thank you” for raising us well.

May all mothers be blessed this month, in Jesus’ name!