God Is Moving
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Every step in our life, God had already planned out everything for us even before we were born. God does not reveal His plans to us all at once because we could not handle them. He gives us just a glimpse through visions and dreams, but He plans for us to all live a prosperous life. If you think that God is not listening to any of your prayers because you’re not receiving the blessings you are asking Him for, don’t lose trust and faith in God. Let Him make a move and be patient.
God will never forget about you, just wait for Him. He does the work in His own time, and He doesn’t want to give it to you just yet because you are not ready. Everything would take time because God wants us to be fully prepared for everything before He reveals it to us one by one. Never stop praying to God.
Let’s take our time and be patient while we continue to pray to God. Do not pray only in times of trouble and when you’re asking Him for something; pray also to thank Him and be grateful that you are part of Him.
Let’s pray together…
Dear Lord God, I pray that you do not forget about us, your beloved children. We will continue praying to you and doing your will, Father. We will always be patient and lay all our problems onto you. Please help us in times of hardship. Amen.