When was the last time you said ‘thank you’ to God?
We often spend more time in prayer asking things from the Lord, than thanking Him for His blessings. There may have been times when we forget to thank Him at all, once we have received what we have asked for.
Think about these questions:
Some people think that what they have in their lives is only a result of their own hard work and effort. But what they fail to realize is that they wouldn’t have been given the opportunity if it were not for the Lord’s blessings.
God works silently and in mysterious ways to bring us to our rightful place. He sends us His divine grace, even when we fail to acknowledge it. Some people think their success is all their own, but they wouldn’t even have life if were not for our Creator!
Remember, everything that you have, everything that you have received, everything that you have accomplished, is through the grace of God!
Tomorrow, we will be celebrating Thanksgiving Day in the United States. As Christians, we are taught to cultivate gratitude in our lives. The Bible says:
“And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”
– Colossians 3:17 (NKJV)
The most common way of expressing gratitude to God is through prayer and worship. The scripture tells us that there is also another way, which is through our deeds or actions.
We can thank God by offering our words and deeds to Him. What we do, as followers of Jesus, can be a reflection of our love and gratitude to God. Let’s give God the thanks He truly deserves!