I’ve been in ministry all my life and have seen and know the multiple aspects of running a church. I say all my life because my parents raised me in the church. And before I married my husband, I was serving in the church, prophesying from the tender age of 13. So hear me when I say, I understand how it feels to take on the burdens of the church. This is a feeling many of us experience, but too few of us share amongst each other. Right? As servants of the Lord, especially women in clergy, we feel it is our responsibility to continue to extend ourselves as long as we are doing the Lord’s work. Wrong or right? You don’t have to agree publicly, but nod to yourself.
After years of feeling overwhelmed and drained about up-keeping the house of the Lord, the Spirit revealed to me the strength in enrolling volunteers to support in doing the Lord’s work. Quickly, how many of you can identify at least ten people who you can call on to support with church work? Church volunteers are imperative to the growth of the church. I’ve decided to share five important
characteristics to look for when building a team of volunteers.
You must be a true believer and lover of God
Be an effective communicator
Value relationships
Value integrity
Be a good leader and servant
There are a slew of characteristics to look for in a volunteer, but these five are non negotiable.