
The Church is a Community

June 8, 2017

Do you belong to a CHURCH? Do you know why you are there? Why do you stay in the church? How does it help you?

The church is the temple of God. It’s a place where we pray, listen to the word of God and praise Him. But there’s a deeper meaning of the word “Church” based from the Bible.

1 Corinthians 3:9 For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.

All believers are said to be the temple of God. So, if you believe in Jesus Christ, you are a part of His Church. The Church is not a mere building; the Church is the people who are in the church (physical structure), all the believers, including us.

What does the CHURCH do?

Acts 2:42  They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

  • Apostles’ teaching – It is all about Jesus: His birth, life and resurrection.
  • Fellowship – Assembling together to help one another. Helping each other grow in FAITH. Sharing how can we conquer our troubles and challenges as Christians.
  • Breaking of bread – Symbolizes His body as a sacrifice, for us to remember how great is Jesus’ love for us.
  • Prayer- Gathering together to pray for our country, community and fellow men. God is joyful when we are talking to Him. We know God can take care of us but we should also talk to Him regularly. He’s not an ATM machine that we only use when we need it.

We are staying in a church to grow in faith, to know Him better, to serve our God, and to live life with God as the center of our lives.