Waiting is one virtue that we all have to learn to receive what God planned for us…
What season does God bring you to? It is important to know the season you are in now. If you’re in the season of singlehood and not ready for marriage, learn to wait. I know that it’s hard to wait. It takes self-control. But one thing we should always remind ourselves is to not depend on our own strength because we may fail. But with God’s strength, we become overcomers.
It takes humility to ask God to give us the grace in waiting (believe me, His grace works). Good things happen to those who wait. Nothing can compare to the joy and fulfillment for those who wait.
When you don’t know your priority in this season, you will end up confused to where you are going because you don’t know exactly what you need to prioritize. Set your priorities while waiting. What does God want you to do in this season?
I believe one of those is for you to enjoy your relationship with your family and friends. Our time on Earth is limited. And while God is giving you and opportunity to spend time with your family and friends, do it. It is something we will enjoy anyway. This will help you set your focus on the right track.
Indeed, true love waits! If you are in a relationship now and your partner truly loves you, then he/she will respect you to wait until it is the right time. Hold on to your virginity. Man, take the lead. If you really love the woman, you will not initiate or influence her to lose her virginity. You will act in faith, trust, and love.
Be the man God called you to be. Woman, guard the heart of your man. One of their greatest struggles is lust. So, be careful how you carry yourself. We need to help our man in guarding their hearts. If you love your partner, you will preserve his/her virginity until the time of marriage. And both of you will surely enjoy it.
God says everything is beautiful in His time. Have you ever tried to eat a strawberry that is not yet ripe? How does it taste? Yes, you may eat it. But it tastes best when it is ripe. Have you ever tried wearing a sweater on a sunny day? Will you be comfortable with that? Everything has its time. All we need to do is wait on God and trust God that He knows best. Do what God is asking you to do in this season of waiting. And when the harvest comes, you will surely enjoy the fruits of your labor. It’s worth the wait.