How Important is Virginity to you?

Men and women nowadays who have sex regularly are bothered and concerned with pregnancy. If you value your virginity, you won’t think of this possible consequence that you, your partner, your family and other people around you will be affected. You won’t worry about finances, emotional needs and other concern that you need to consider when this thing happened.

And because of no other obligations, you may enjoy your time with your family and friends. You may still continue to enjoy the season of being independent.

Free from any Sickness and Disease

Purity is healthy. If you are a virgin, you are free from any sexually transmitted disease such as HIV / AIDS, herpes, genital warts, syphilis, and gonorrhea. Don’t you think that it feels so good that you are free from any sickness that may bring to you by having sex to anyone outside marriage? You are not just protecting yourself from the disease but also your future spouse and children. It will be an honor to see your spouse and kids healthy. A reward that is priceless.

Preserving your Virginity Frees You from Emotional Trauma

If you are a virgin, you have protected yourself from pains, trauma, shame, heartache, and guilt. You are free from the bondage. Those bondages may not help you enjoy your relationship with your spouse on your marriage. Being a virgin will make your self-esteem high and have your own self-pride.

Being a virgin gives you freedom from any insecurity. It gives you such confidence of your value and worth. Knowing that you have not made any soul ties to anyone, you will be free enjoying the relationship you will have with your spouse.

Happy Marriage

I believe it is everybody’s dream to be happily married. And when you obey God, to wait in His time and preserve your virginity until marriage, you are securing yourself the place of God’s blessings. God intends for you to be happy in marriage. As you obey and honor Him, He will never fail to bless you in your marriage life. And when He blesses something, He doesn’t add any trouble to it. 1 Believe and have faith.

Most of the women feel very special when they know that their men would wait for them. And most men prefer to marry a virgin. Imagine if you two waited and trusted God for His time to do sex inside marriage. Imagine yourself, giving your all and your best to that someone who deserves the gift of virginity. No ties and unpleasant memories in your mind. It will only be you and your spouse. That will be so beautiful.

Thoughts to Ponder to Over

Is your virginity important to you? Do you want to be happy with your sex life in your marriage? Are you willing to take the risk to experience emotional trauma? Why or why not?

Love Yourself to Attract The Kind of Man You Deserve

“Love yourself” is a saying that is easier said than done. We, ladies, tend to give too much of ourselves to the people we love. In return, we end up not saving enough for ourselves. However, there is a reason why you must learn to love yourself. Even the Bible has something to say about it. It totally makes perfect sense for it to be #2 on the 10 Commandments for Women.

For no one has ever hated his own body, but he nourishes and tenderly cares for it, as the Messiah does the church. -Ephesians 5:29

How You Love Yourself Will Set Your Standards

Showing people how you love yourself sets your standards. It cues them how to treat you. This also applies to attracting the kind of man that you deserve. Don’t be deceived though because there is more to loving yourself than the physical side.

To love yourself means to nurture your whole being. You look after your physical body, your mind, and your spirituality. These are all interwoven. If you only focus on taking care of your physical beauty, then a man won’t love you beyond that. You will attract men who will only love your pretty face or your body. This is not how you are supposed to be loved.

Good men care more than just about the physical. They desire a beautiful mind, a good heart, and a nurtured spirit. They want a woman who they can have clever conversations with. Someone who carries a heart that always gives, understands, forgives, and loves unconditionally is a priceless treasure for a man. They want somebody who gives utmost importance to her faith. This is an assurance that their walk with the Lord is always a top priority in their relationship. These qualities attract the right man for you to marry.

Why you deserve true love

One of the greatest teachings on love is spelled out beautifully in 1 Corinthians 13:4. The biblical verse reads, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud” (NIV). Love has been described a million ways, but this verse sums it up in one line. Certainly, searching the word “love” in Google will list a plethora of quotes, definitions, songs, movies, and art about love. There are just so many things that have been said about it.

For instance, when you say, “God is love”, people will see it as another cliché. But even so, if you want to know the true essence of love, my advice would be to look in the Bible. From cover to cover, you will find the greatest love story ever told; the love story between God and humanity.

Love is defined by what Jesus has done on the cross. If we want to know what love truly is, it’s important as a community to look back to the Author of love and see what He had to say about it.

Another similarly important bible verse is 1 Corinthians 13. It’s important to know this versus what the world tells us. The world tells us to “love yourself first” and the one who cares less has the greater power. General advice on love goes from “following your heart” to “saving some love for your self”. However, this is far from the biblical love that Jesus extended to us. The Bible tells us that you cannot follow your heart, because it is deceitful.1 Moreover, he poured out every bit of himself to the point of death on the cross because of how much he loves us.2 He cared more. Even when we were still sinners, he loved us first.3 The world tells us that love is conditional and divorce is always an option. But Jesus displays an unconditional love for us and that nothing can separate us from his love. 4 The biblical perspective of love seems so different from the way the world perceives it to be.

As a mother, wife, pastor and leader in the community, I often have to refer to these biblical verses to keep myself balanced. All the responsibilities of these roles can become overwhelming. And truthfully, every now and then I find myself straying away. If you’re feeling this way, know that you are loved. The love for your life far surpasses the worldly love plastered on social media and television screens. You are important because Jesus died on the cross for you.

For more on how to define true love, read the 10 Commandments of Love written by Bishop E. Bernard Jordan.