The Power of Choice in Discovering Your Higher Self

The power of choice determines our growth and freedom. Every single day, we have the chance to choose. When we exercise the power of choice, we hold ourselves responsible for our choices. We are able to consciously decide so that we are not blaming others for the outcome of our choices.

We All Have the Power of Choice

How many times have you heard others or yourself say, “I don’t have a choice”? Most of us are guilty of this. I, myself, also used to say this a lot until I learned to own my choices. The truth is that we always have a choice. This is the only thing we have even when we face life’s biggest challenges…

The 4 Choices We Have in Life

Next time you say you don’t have a choice, breathe for a moment and think. In between the stimulus and your response is a space that allows you to make a choice. Here are the 4 choices we all have at any given circumstance.

1. Stay in the belief of “I don’t have a choice” and always become the victim

Whenever you say “I don’t have a choice”, you are already choosing to be the victim. You are giving up control of your life to people or circumstances. It is like living your life on auto-pilot because you have made a choice and now couldn’t get out of it. I am telling you, this can be really energy-draining and disempowering. Soon enough, it will take its toll on your health and well-being.

2. Make a new option or agreement

It totally makes sense to stick to the original agreement. However, at times, creating a new one is the best option for all parties. Can you extend the deadline? Can you work out the price? Is there any other way you can achieve your desired outcome? Always think of a win-win solution.

3. Seek help from others

Pride often gets in the way of getting what we truly deserve. You have to start discovering alternative resources to broaden your choices. Think about duplicating yourself or delegating your workload to other team members. Are there any other resources you haven’t tapped?

4. Enjoy and accept your original choice

Now, this is the most challenging choice anyone could have. When you choose to stick with your original choice, it requires your commitment to changing the way you see it. I am not telling you to pretend but to develop a new perspective of your original choice so you re-learn to embrace and enjoy it.

The Power of Choice and Your Higher Self

Once you take ownership of your choices, you empower yourself more. You overcome your fears. You discover the strengths you never knew existed. This, in turn, makes you feel good about yourself. You live your life with happiness and inner peace. It is all about changing your old-age belief that you don’t have a choice…

Requisites for a Successful Relationship

A successful relationship between a man and a woman involves a lot of factors. Both the man and the woman have equal contributions to it. The most important of these factors is having a proper self-image. A lot of us often overlook this truth. Many fail to realize that the way they see themselves has a huge effect on their relationship.

How Proper Self-Image Builds a Successful Relationship

Having a proper self-image means having a positive attitude towards yourself and others. It means appreciating your worth while behaving responsibly with those around you. It is more of having self-respect than being self-absorbed. However, just like any other skill, developing a proper self-image also takes time and practice.

Now, how does proper self-image help build a successful relationship? When you have a proper self-image, you are able to display a positive attitude and treat your partner well. Here are some ways that a proper self-image helps build a successful relationship:

  • You don’t criticize, blame, or shame your partner
  • You accept your partner as they are
  • You know how to praise and appreciate your partner genuinely
  • You know that mistakes are part of life and that the important thing is that you are both willing to change

Tips to Develop a Proper Self-Image

You first have to change the way you think about yourself before you can change your circumstances. Positive thinking helps you see yourself honestly and accept and love yourself. It helps you remove your internal barriers so you can start doing your best.

Here are some tips to develop a positive self-image:

  • Shake off negative thoughts
  • Highlight your strengths and assets
  • Accept your flaws and mistakes then move on and correct them
  • Encourage yourself more
  • Accept that some things are beyond your control
  • Be kind to yourself
  • Take a break regularly so you don’t feel burnt out
  • Believe that you can do the things you pray for
  • Learn to forgive and forget

You see, when you have a proper self-image, you see the person you love the same way you see yourself. And this is what helps build a successful relationship. Of course, on top of it all, putting God at the center of your relationship is truly what will make it successful.