Accept Correction

Have you ever been in a situation where you found yourself having a hard time accepting other people’s comments?

Comments are not always criticisms. In the same way, criticisms are not always meant to be negative. These can actually help you correct and improve yourself or your work. 

As humans, our pride and our ego makes it sometimes hard to hear that we may have made a mistake or may have been lacking in some part. It is especially hard to hear when we are actually expecting praise or a reward for what we have done. When this happens, disappointment often follows; but the Bible reminds us of the importance of having to accept correction.


The ear that hears the rebukes of life

Will abide among the wise.

He who disdains instruction despises his own soul,

But he who heeds rebuke gets understanding.

-Proverbs 15:31-32


When it comes to our spiritual life, God has given us a guide to equip us for our time here on earth. He has given us the Scriptures, which serve to bring us instruction and correction, for our own great benefit.


All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

-2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NKJV)


To accept correction is to allow ourselves to be better individuals, both in the eyes of man and in the eyes of God. 


Pray with me:

Dear Lord, 

Thank you, Father, for your unfailing love. You have made us and you continue to guide us through the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures. Thank you for illuminating our minds through your divine Word. Fill our hearts, our minds, our spirits, with your grace. May we be recipients of your heavenly inspirations and be living examples of your great glory. Amen. 


How to Turn Failure to Success

You can turn failure to success through five simple words:

If you fail, try again!

Try to recall the first time you learned how to ride a bike. For most people, they learned this skill during their childhood. A child rarely learns how to ride a bike in one try. The first time a child tries it, he or she may fall or slip. But that doesn’t stop the child from trying it again. Once he or she has recovered from the pain or embarrassment, the child tries again and eventually learns how to ride independently.

When we let the pain or the shame get the best of us, we will never grow. We will be stuck like a child who does not know how to ride a bike, while all of the other children are having fun and going places.

God wants us to go places and be blessed with success and happiness. But if we keep ourselves focused on our failures, we lose sight of the things that God has for us.

The Bible says in Psalm 37:23-24 :

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.”

 As a follower of Christ, your steps are being ordered by the Lord. Trust in Him and keep yourself in the path of righteousness. For even at times when you fall down, the Father will be there to give you a hand. He will lift you up and bring you a brand new start. His grace is sufficient to turn your failure to success.

Pray with me:

Dear Lord, I come before You in faith and hope. I humbly ask You to pour Your grace over my situation. Give me courage, give me strength. Help me rise up every time I fall. Cast out the spirit of failure and let me be mindful of the power and help I have in You. Amen.



Why Waiting Is A Virtue

Waiting is one virtue that we all have to learn to receive what God planned for us…

What season does God bring you to? It is important to know the season you are in now. If you’re in the season of singlehood and not ready for marriage, learn to wait. I know that it’s hard to wait. It takes self-control. But one thing we should always remind ourselves is to not depend on our own strength because we may fail. But with God’s strength, we become overcomers.

It takes humility to ask God to give us the grace in waiting (believe me, His grace works). Good things happen to those who wait. Nothing can compare to the joy and fulfillment for those who wait.

Know Your Priorities While Waiting

When you don’t know your priority in this season, you will end up confused to where you are going because you don’t know exactly what you need to prioritize. Set your priorities while waiting. What does God want you to do in this season?

I believe one of those is for you to enjoy your relationship with your family and friends. Our time on Earth is limited. And while God is giving you and opportunity to spend time with your family and friends, do it. It is something we will enjoy anyway. This will help you set your focus on the right track.

True Love Waits!

Indeed, true love waits! If you are in a relationship now and your partner truly loves you, then he/she will respect you to wait until it is the right time. Hold on to your virginity. Man, take the lead. If you really love the woman, you will not initiate or influence her to lose her virginity. You will act in faith, trust, and love.

Be the man God called you to be. Woman, guard the heart of your man. One of their greatest struggles is lust. So, be careful how you carry yourself. We need to help our man in guarding their hearts. If you love your partner, you will preserve his/her virginity until the time of marriage. And both of you will surely enjoy it.

It’s All Worth It

God says everything is beautiful in His time. Have you ever tried to eat a strawberry that is not yet ripe? How does it taste? Yes, you may eat it. But it tastes best when it is ripe. Have you ever tried wearing a sweater on a sunny day? Will you be comfortable with that? Everything has its time. All we need to do is wait on God and trust God that He knows best. Do what God is asking you to do in this season of waiting. And when the harvest comes, you will surely enjoy the fruits of your labor. It’s worth the wait.

Know Your Identity

It is essential to discover your identity because it helps you set your standards. How do you see yourself? Most of the men and women who have lost their virginity before marriage are victims of peer pressure, broken families, influence of the people that surround them and who experienced rejection. But what is really your identity? Where do you get your identity? Where do you secure yourself?

God says anyone who accepts Christ in his/her life has the right to become His child. You are a child of God. And that is your identity. He is your Father. He loves you so much. And He wants you to have the best. God’s plan for you is to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future. His word never fails. The only way to know how much God values us as His child is to know His word. Read the Bible when you have time.

Men and women were created according to God’s image. We reflect some of His attributes. We are fearfully and wonderfully made by Him. Always remind yourself of your value in God’s eyes. He made you unique and one of a kind. And He gave you special gifts such as your virginity to enjoy sex inside His standard – your marriage. He wants you to experience the best sex in your life with the person who will marry you. God knows best.

You Are Accepted

Your virginity matters to God because you are His child. For God so loved us, He gave His one and only Son to redeem our relationship with Him. Imagine the One who created the universe, the stars in the sky and everything you see around you, gave up His life to win back His people.

Imagine how He longs for a relationship with you. That is how valuable you are in His sight. If one of your reasons why you gave up your virginity in the wrong season is because you want to feel accepted by people or by the person you love, remind yourself that you are accepted already by the King of kings.

God Loves You for Your Identity

When you satisfy yourself with the love God offers, you will be fully convinced that giving up your virginity is not the way to be accepted by someone. You are already loved and accepted. You do not need to earn His love. He loves you before you were formed in the womb of your mother. And He has promised us that He loves us with an everlasting love. It never changes through time. His love is forever.

God desires to have a deeper relationship with you. He is concerned in every detail of your life – even in your sex life. He wants you to experience the joy and the delight of sex with your partner who is serious in marrying you and being with you for the rest of your lives.

You will really have a hard time to get what I am saying here if you haven’t experienced the love of God in your life. Let yourself experience His love first. It is a choice. And when you have fully known this well, you will value your virginity and how God, who loves you so much, values you.


Find time to pray and seek God to reveal His love for you. Take time to read your Bible to discover the magnitude of God’s love. Look at the mirror. See yourself and confess to yourself your value in God’s eyes. Declare, “I am valuable!”

Preserve Your Virginity

Preserving your virginity is not only a form of self-love and self-respect, but it is also a way of pleasing God.  Teenagers and adults today are greatly influenced by the media. Most of the time, they offer a different standard of sex. Some practice the “collect-and-select” process to check whom they are compatible with.

Some are just affected by what they see and hear from other people and they do sex just for the fun or experience of it. Sad to say, some do it out of marriage, regardless of whatever the life-long effect or possible consequences it may bring them. But don’t settle for something temporary. You deserve much more.

Set Your Standard

God’s standard is much more different than the world. God made sex to be enjoyed by His creation. He designed it beautifully inside marriage. And your virginity matters before our God. If you are the person who felt like you have lost it already, I am telling you it’s not too late. Virginity is much more than the physical. It also involves mental, spiritual and emotional aspects.

You may regain your virginity. Yes! You may. God says, “Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation. The old has gone and the new has come.”  If you have decided to accept Christ in your life and believe that in your heart, then you are a new person. You can start again with a new life. And as you start now, let’s do some rearrangement of your standards. Not any more of the world’s, but of the Lord’s standards.

Remember, when you are in Christ now, you are turning away from your old self and turning to Him. That means you are no longer a slave of your own desires because you have surrendered yourself to the Lordship of Christ.

Therefore, you may ask the Lord what standards He wants you to set for yourself. But I believe that God’s standard for sex is to be inside the bond of marriage.

The Importance of God’s Standard

People settle for what is available and temporary because they don’t have boundaries for themselves. Even in having sex. Having a set of standards gives you restraint and focus. If you stand for something, you won’t fall for anything. What do you really want? Ask yourself.

Do you really want to lose your virginity outside marriage? Think of the possible consequences that you may face. Again, sex is a gift from God. When not used properly, it may destroy you and the people who are important to you.

Sex, when not used according to God’s standard, may affect not just your relationship with other people, but even your lifestyle. There was a study about young people who engaged in premarital sex. It was observed in the study that it declined their academic performance and destroyed their relationship with their family and friends.

Is that what you think God wants for you? Did God promise to harm you? No. God wants us to enjoy our relationship with Him and with other people. That is why He is serious in telling us to obey Him because He knows fully well the consequences of our sins. Going outside of God’s standards will hurt us. Set your standard in alignment with God’s and it will help you to experience the goodness of sex in His time. Start making a stand now.