Ask Yourself – Is It The Right Time?

We are responsible for our actions. Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. Are you ready for the consequences of your actions? What if an accident happens and you get pregnant? Are you ready for the responsibility of being a mom? Are you prepared emotionally, physically, financially, mentally and spiritually? When you think of these, these questions may warn you to wait for the right time – your marriage.

Indeed, God has made everything beautiful in its time. We need to trust His word. We need not to lose hope in His promises. The Maker knows our very purpose.

The Right Time

The right time according to the word of God is when you get married. Sex should happen inside marriage. Not outside marriage. This is the standard of God. It is a sin against God and against you to do sex outside marriage as it written in 1 Corinthians 6:17, “Flee fornicating. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.”

It is God’s desires for us to have a successful marriage. He has given us His standards. And it is our choice if we will follow and obey His word. Indeed, it will always be a choice. Always remember that it is all about His time and not ours.

There is always a right time for everything. Be patient and obey the standard of God’s timing. There will be a reward at the end of the process. We have a faithful God who is true to His word. Learn to trust His timing.

Respond in obedience

Let’s not be a slave of our selfish desires. The greatest enemy that we could ever have is ourselves. There will be moments where we will need to choose between our bodies crave and the instruction of God. God says, there must never be a hint of sexual immorality. Whether it is just kissing for you or any seemingly innocent, the internal struggle is the same.

God desires for His children to respond in obedience. We have the freedom of choices. But we don’t have the freedom of consequences. God is the source of wisdom. He knows very well what is good from what is not. He is expert in knowing what may hurt us from what is not. Have you seen a parent who loves a child so much and gives instruction to jump on a cliff? Would you think a parent who loves his/her child would do that? What more our God? Our God’s greatest pleasure is to enjoy the fullness of life. Jesus came to save us to live our lives to the full. And if there is the best person to follow, it’s Jesus our Lord.

Ask yourself, is this really the right time? Is this the time where I have the blessings of God? Is everything around you gives you peace of mind and assurance? The right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing. Even if you feel it is so right but you know that it’s not the right time according to God’s standards, then think first before you end up losing your virginity.

Be Content While You Wait for the Right Time

Enjoy your season. Be content with what you have now. Be grateful to what is given to you for now. Anyone who is faithful with little will be blessed with much.

Fill yourself with God’s love. It’s the best way to experience contentment and satisfaction. When we start to secure our lives with the word of God, it will serve as our weapon every time we are weak with our own desires.

Why Waiting Is A Virtue

Waiting is one virtue that we all have to learn to receive what God planned for us…

What season does God bring you to? It is important to know the season you are in now. If you’re in the season of singlehood and not ready for marriage, learn to wait. I know that it’s hard to wait. It takes self-control. But one thing we should always remind ourselves is to not depend on our own strength because we may fail. But with God’s strength, we become overcomers.

It takes humility to ask God to give us the grace in waiting (believe me, His grace works). Good things happen to those who wait. Nothing can compare to the joy and fulfillment for those who wait.

Know Your Priorities While Waiting

When you don’t know your priority in this season, you will end up confused to where you are going because you don’t know exactly what you need to prioritize. Set your priorities while waiting. What does God want you to do in this season?

I believe one of those is for you to enjoy your relationship with your family and friends. Our time on Earth is limited. And while God is giving you and opportunity to spend time with your family and friends, do it. It is something we will enjoy anyway. This will help you set your focus on the right track.

True Love Waits!

Indeed, true love waits! If you are in a relationship now and your partner truly loves you, then he/she will respect you to wait until it is the right time. Hold on to your virginity. Man, take the lead. If you really love the woman, you will not initiate or influence her to lose her virginity. You will act in faith, trust, and love.

Be the man God called you to be. Woman, guard the heart of your man. One of their greatest struggles is lust. So, be careful how you carry yourself. We need to help our man in guarding their hearts. If you love your partner, you will preserve his/her virginity until the time of marriage. And both of you will surely enjoy it.

It’s All Worth It

God says everything is beautiful in His time. Have you ever tried to eat a strawberry that is not yet ripe? How does it taste? Yes, you may eat it. But it tastes best when it is ripe. Have you ever tried wearing a sweater on a sunny day? Will you be comfortable with that? Everything has its time. All we need to do is wait on God and trust God that He knows best. Do what God is asking you to do in this season of waiting. And when the harvest comes, you will surely enjoy the fruits of your labor. It’s worth the wait.

Know Your Identity

It is essential to discover your identity because it helps you set your standards. How do you see yourself? Most of the men and women who have lost their virginity before marriage are victims of peer pressure, broken families, influence of the people that surround them and who experienced rejection. But what is really your identity? Where do you get your identity? Where do you secure yourself?

God says anyone who accepts Christ in his/her life has the right to become His child. You are a child of God. And that is your identity. He is your Father. He loves you so much. And He wants you to have the best. God’s plan for you is to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future. His word never fails. The only way to know how much God values us as His child is to know His word. Read the Bible when you have time.

Men and women were created according to God’s image. We reflect some of His attributes. We are fearfully and wonderfully made by Him. Always remind yourself of your value in God’s eyes. He made you unique and one of a kind. And He gave you special gifts such as your virginity to enjoy sex inside His standard – your marriage. He wants you to experience the best sex in your life with the person who will marry you. God knows best.

You Are Accepted

Your virginity matters to God because you are His child. For God so loved us, He gave His one and only Son to redeem our relationship with Him. Imagine the One who created the universe, the stars in the sky and everything you see around you, gave up His life to win back His people.

Imagine how He longs for a relationship with you. That is how valuable you are in His sight. If one of your reasons why you gave up your virginity in the wrong season is because you want to feel accepted by people or by the person you love, remind yourself that you are accepted already by the King of kings.

God Loves You for Your Identity

When you satisfy yourself with the love God offers, you will be fully convinced that giving up your virginity is not the way to be accepted by someone. You are already loved and accepted. You do not need to earn His love. He loves you before you were formed in the womb of your mother. And He has promised us that He loves us with an everlasting love. It never changes through time. His love is forever.

God desires to have a deeper relationship with you. He is concerned in every detail of your life – even in your sex life. He wants you to experience the joy and the delight of sex with your partner who is serious in marrying you and being with you for the rest of your lives.

You will really have a hard time to get what I am saying here if you haven’t experienced the love of God in your life. Let yourself experience His love first. It is a choice. And when you have fully known this well, you will value your virginity and how God, who loves you so much, values you.


Find time to pray and seek God to reveal His love for you. Take time to read your Bible to discover the magnitude of God’s love. Look at the mirror. See yourself and confess to yourself your value in God’s eyes. Declare, “I am valuable!”