Marriage Tips: The Value of Appreciation

One of the best marriage tips that I can give is to realize the value of appreciation in the relationship. Unfortunately, we get too busy with our lives that we fail to appreciate what other people do for us. The same is the case with our spouse. We get so used to each other’s presence and often take for granted the small acts of love that our spouse does. Believe me, this is not a good relationship habit…

Marriage Tips: Acknowledge the Missing Element In Your Relationship

We all have needs and wants. I am definitely certain that as a wife, you also desire appreciation from your husband. Whether you are a housewife or a career woman, you get more inspired to do what you do when showered with appreciation. However, “proximity breeds apathy”, they say. As we spend more time with each other, we become less and less appreciative. We often lose sight of the best that we have and forget to appreciate the most important person in our lives.

This is a temptation we all face and a season we all go through. As life makes us busy, we fail to communicate with our spouse and see the good in them. We oversee the contributions of the other in making our lives together better. While we all feel guilty about it, this should not be a permanent thing in marriage. So, what should you do? Whether you are the one who desires for appreciation or the one who needs to give it more, be the bigger person to acknowledge the absence of it in your relationship.

Marriage Tips: How to Cultivate Appreciation for Each Other

As a wife and a mother, we keep our family knitted together. It is part of our responsibilities to ensure a healthy home for everyone. And it starts with being good examples when it comes to cultivating a culture of appreciation. Now, how do we create a loving and appreciative marriage that our kids would want to follow someday? The answer is fairly simple – let us be the first to be generous in giving consistent, genuine appreciation to our spouse.

There are many simple ways to show appreciation to our spouse, which include:

Empathizing with them

Does it seem like your spouse had a bad day at work? Ask them about their day without being too pushy. And as you do, hand them over their slippers and changing clothes and offer water or coffee. This will make them feel that you care about their feelings.

Listening to them

Listening is an integral aspect of any relationship. During times when you have different views and opinions, take time to listen to your spouse. It is not always necessary to argue and prove your point. Most of the time, all you have to do is listen to each other and make a sound decision later.

Forgiving them

A lasting marriage is about forgiving each other all the time. You are both human and you both commit mistakes and shortcomings. Forgiveness surely is an act of love and appreciation.

Saying thank you often

No matter how little or how big your spouse’s effort is, always remember to say thank you. It means a lot for the other.

Enjoying their company

What better way to show your appreciation than in action? When your spouse sees that you enjoy their company and appreciate what they do, they become more motivated and inspired. You’ll be surprised to see them do the things that make you happy more often.

Serving them

Service is definitely another sure sign of appreciation. It is like a subtle way of saying thank you for their hard work and love.

Marriage Tips: Appreciation Is A Vital Aspect of Marriage

Appreciation is like a fairy dust in marriage. It makes the relationship even more beautiful and more meaningful. Now, if you’re becoming more critical of your spouse instead of being more appreciative, seek God’s intervention. Ask Him to show you the things that seem invisible to you. Remember, appreciation is one important aspect that builds up your marriage. Express your gratefulness to your spouse often and you’ll witness how a simple “thank you” goes a long way.

Requisites for a Successful Relationship

A successful relationship between a man and a woman involves a lot of factors. Both the man and the woman have equal contributions to it. The most important of these factors is having a proper self-image. A lot of us often overlook this truth. Many fail to realize that the way they see themselves has a huge effect on their relationship.

How Proper Self-Image Builds a Successful Relationship

Having a proper self-image means having a positive attitude towards yourself and others. It means appreciating your worth while behaving responsibly with those around you. It is more of having self-respect than being self-absorbed. However, just like any other skill, developing a proper self-image also takes time and practice.

Now, how does proper self-image help build a successful relationship? When you have a proper self-image, you are able to display a positive attitude and treat your partner well. Here are some ways that a proper self-image helps build a successful relationship:

  • You don’t criticize, blame, or shame your partner
  • You accept your partner as they are
  • You know how to praise and appreciate your partner genuinely
  • You know that mistakes are part of life and that the important thing is that you are both willing to change

Tips to Develop a Proper Self-Image

You first have to change the way you think about yourself before you can change your circumstances. Positive thinking helps you see yourself honestly and accept and love yourself. It helps you remove your internal barriers so you can start doing your best.

Here are some tips to develop a positive self-image:

  • Shake off negative thoughts
  • Highlight your strengths and assets
  • Accept your flaws and mistakes then move on and correct them
  • Encourage yourself more
  • Accept that some things are beyond your control
  • Be kind to yourself
  • Take a break regularly so you don’t feel burnt out
  • Believe that you can do the things you pray for
  • Learn to forgive and forget

You see, when you have a proper self-image, you see the person you love the same way you see yourself. And this is what helps build a successful relationship. Of course, on top of it all, putting God at the center of your relationship is truly what will make it successful.

Love Yourself to Attract The Kind of Man You Deserve

“Love yourself” is a saying that is easier said than done. We, ladies, tend to give too much of ourselves to the people we love. In return, we end up not saving enough for ourselves. However, there is a reason why you must learn to love yourself. Even the Bible has something to say about it. It totally makes perfect sense for it to be #2 on the 10 Commandments for Women.

For no one has ever hated his own body, but he nourishes and tenderly cares for it, as the Messiah does the church. -Ephesians 5:29

How You Love Yourself Will Set Your Standards

Showing people how you love yourself sets your standards. It cues them how to treat you. This also applies to attracting the kind of man that you deserve. Don’t be deceived though because there is more to loving yourself than the physical side.

To love yourself means to nurture your whole being. You look after your physical body, your mind, and your spirituality. These are all interwoven. If you only focus on taking care of your physical beauty, then a man won’t love you beyond that. You will attract men who will only love your pretty face or your body. This is not how you are supposed to be loved.

Good men care more than just about the physical. They desire a beautiful mind, a good heart, and a nurtured spirit. They want a woman who they can have clever conversations with. Someone who carries a heart that always gives, understands, forgives, and loves unconditionally is a priceless treasure for a man. They want somebody who gives utmost importance to her faith. This is an assurance that their walk with the Lord is always a top priority in their relationship. These qualities attract the right man for you to marry.

Love a Man Who Will Treat You like a Queen

Choosing a man to love reflects your personal walk with God. As a woman of faith, protecting your body is one of the things that gives delight to the Lord. The right man will honor your dignity. All others will use your body and tell you that it is an act of love.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

– 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

This verse on the scripture is a good way to know whether a man is right for you or not. Some parents advice their daughters to replace the first word of every sentence with the name of the man they want. Does it sound fitting? Do you agree with every sentence? God wants you to spend your life with that man if he fits into the description.

Do Not Love A Married Man

You will meet a lot of people along your journey in this life. You may even meet a man who is married. Do not make the mistake of getting close to him. Guard your heart all the time so you don’t end up being deceived. The sad truth about this world is that adultery and fornication are justified in our society. It is very easy for others to throw away their marriage vows. They abandon their spouse when they are no longer happy. Worse, they have the heart to deceive their spouse. But having a relationship with a married man is not the only thing that single women must avoid. You also must not engage in sexual relations with a man outside of marriage. Remember, God has a commandment on this. God tells us something about sexual immorality in 1 Corinthians 6:18. He says “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.”

God Will Give You The Right Man to Love At The Right Time

There is no need to hurry in love. Everyone goes through the seasons of life at different paces. Do not compare your journey with your friends, relatives, or colleagues. God has prepared your own unique love story. He will give you the right man to love in His own time. You just have to stay faithful and continue to live the kind of life that is pleasing to the Lord. Protect your body from anyone who will try to stain your dignity. The right man who will come at the right time will walk side-by-side with you in serving God. This is going to be the best gift you’ll ever receive – a God-fearing husband who will love you gently and treat you like a queen!

Random Act of Kindness

Matthew 6:1

“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.”


Doing a random act of kindness has always been something that is encouraged; and it is also what the Lord would want us to do. But sometimes, there are people who do “acts of kindness” just so they could let everyone know that they helped someone for the sake of being praised or socially rewarded.

Real kindness comes from someone who would help a person in need without asking for anything in return. You can tell if a person is sincere in giving if he or she gives help to others quietly. You see, not everyone needs to know that you go out helping people who are in need. What matters is that, you chose to open your heart and help them.

People don’t need to know what you’re doing. Your reason for doing an act of kindness should be your willingness to help out, not to receive praise or become well known. Following God’s will is what’s important.

Let’s pray..

Dear Lord God, please guide us and give us the power to help people who are in need and to spread the faith and trust we have for You. You have been giving us so much love, kindness, and blessings and we want people to know what real kindness is, that it all started and came from You. Amen.

Do Not Be Dismayed for God Is With You

“…fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” –Isaiah: 41:10

In our lives, we face a lot of challenges and hardships every day. Some turn out to be worse than we had expected it to be. There are times when we feel dismayed in different areas of our lives – our relationships become unstable, we fail to improve our finances, we get rejected if we apply for jobs that we want, and we even get scolded by our boss like we never did anything right.

We shouldn’t fear of anything, for the Lord is with us. God is testing us, but it doesn’t mean that He will leave us. It might be one of our tests because God wants us to be strong. If we are feeling helpless, He will help us and uphold us with His righteous right hand. He will always be there wiping our tears, our grief and our sins away, having made all concession on our behalf.

Let’s tell God all our problems and anxieties and reach for His hand and leave everything to Him. Let’s not be disappointed in anything because God is with us no matter what. He loves us genuinely and will always be on watch.


God Is Moving

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Every step in our life, God had already planned out everything for us even before we were born. God does not reveal His plans to us all at once because we could not handle them. He gives us just a glimpse through visions and dreams, but He plans for us to all live a prosperous life. If you think that God is not listening to any of your prayers because you’re not receiving the blessings you are asking Him for, don’t lose trust and faith in God. Let Him make a move and be patient.

God will never forget about you, just wait for Him. He does the work in His own time, and He doesn’t want to give it to you just yet because you are not ready. Everything would take time because God wants us to be fully prepared for everything before He reveals it to us one by one. Never stop praying to God.

Let’s take our time and be patient while we continue to pray to God. Do not pray only in times of trouble and when you’re asking Him for something; pray also to thank Him and be grateful that you are part of Him.

Let’s pray together…

Dear Lord God, I pray that you do not forget about us, your beloved children. We will continue praying to you and doing your will, Father. We will always be patient and lay all our problems onto you. Please help us in times of hardship. Amen.

Giving The Gift Of Prayer

We all know how powerful prayers can be and how it has definitely helped us in a lot of ways and in every situation we’ve been in. But praying doesn’t have to be only just for what we need for ourselves; it can also be for our loved ones.

Some of you may not yet understand what “Giving The Gift Of Prayer” means, but it’s basically praying for the ones you love and care for.

Let’s say, you don’t know what to do in a situation where someone you care about is really sick, and you wanted to do something for that person. If you pray for that person, that’s considered as giving a gift to him or her. Because you really care about that person and you wanted him or her to get well as soon as possible, you gave the gift of prayer.

Giving a gift doesn’t always have to involve something physical in order for you to show appreciation or for you to make someone happy. Prayer is very powerful, and it is our way of communicating with God. And we know God won’t let us down, so He will be giving us what we ask for.

Just keep praying; not only for yourself, but also for the people you love and care about. Praying is not limited. You can pray for everything, but also do not forget to say how thankful you are to God for everything He has done for you.

Let’s pray together:

Dear God, we pray to you to heal everyone we know and love who has an illness or disease. Please use your healing hands to help them, so that they may be able to serve you even better. We also thank you for everything you have done for us. You have never left our side in times of hardship, and you’re always there every time we need you. Please hear our prayers, Almighty God. Amen.

Unconditional Love

Can we show unconditional love, just like Jesus?

Psalm 36:5 NIV

Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.

The best relationships are built on a foundation of love and trust. We feel stronger and more willing to give our all out love to the world if we feel secured and cherished.

As Morrie Schwartz said, “The most important thing in this world is to learn to give out love, and let it come in.” One of the best feelings ever is to love and be loved in return. There’s nothing greater than loving absolutely with no boundaries. Though pain is along the way, with unconditional love, it stays limitless and never changing.

When we talk about unconditional love, it’s not just the love you give to other people. It is also about having the strength of heart and mind in loving yourself first, so you can give the same amount of love to another person.

Loving yourself is not a loan that needs to be repaid, but a genuine gift of the heart – a gesture where only you benefit directly. It is imperative that we love and accept ourselves fully first. Only when you stop chasing changes in yourself can you begin to love others without their needing to change. It is then that love can be deemed unconditional.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NIV

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.



Love God


Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. —Deuteronomy 6:4-5

This Scripture provides an uplifting Word we need to hear. You see, the Lord isn’t looking for us to be perfect; He wants us to do our best and love Him with everything we have.

First, let us define what it means to love someone, as this is at the heart of our question. The concept of love that is spoken of here is essential, it is a particular kind of love described by the Greek word ‘agape’. It does not just mean some transient feeling of affection or desire towards someone or something, but is far deeper than that. ‘Agape’ love is a self-giving love and implies not just a desire or feeling, but a decision of the will to be committed to someone or something. It is a love that endures even when times are difficult, and involves a total commitment on the part of the one who is loving another.

This is the kind of love that God has for us. Jesus says that we should love God with all our heart, soul and mind, but what does this mean? An easy way to answer this is to say that Jesus means that we should love God with everything that we are. Both the heart and soul especially have to do with the very centre of our lives as human beings – they are where our life springs from, and therefore, there should not be an area of our lives that isn’t touched by this command.

We are to commit everything to God and bring everything under His control, giving ourselves to Him entirely for the rest of our lives. If you have a great desire to love God with all that you are, with your heart, soul, and mind, let me urge you not just to try harder but to soak yourself in the love of God for you.

Let us pray…

Dear Lord, whenever something happens in my life and I don’t understand, I cling to what I do know I know that you love me. You have a plan for me. Thank you, Lord, for your unconditional love. I am blessed to have you in my life. Amen.